In addition to its high final hardness, O-Bite also has excellent break resistance – thanks to the vinyl-silicone matrix developed by DMG. The VPS-based material is cross-linked by uniformly long silicone chains, creating a particularly stable cross-linking structure when setting. For the application, this characteristic guarantees high fracture resistance during removal, cutting and repositioning on the model.
Exceptionally high final hardness
Superior fracture resistance
Minimal bite resistance
O-Bite in detail
Due to its high final hardness, O-Bite ensures perfect-fit restorations, since softer silicones yield, making exact articulation no longer possible. This can lead to unwanted bite elevations requiring a time-consuming grinding process. A direct insertion of an elevated restoration may cause significant discomfort in the mandibular joint. With its superior hardness, O-Bite ensures a gnathologically perfect tooth relationship.
Pack: O-Bite
2 Cartridges @ 50 ml
12 Automix Tips Pink 1:1
REF 909765
Economy pack: O-Bite
8 Cartridges @ 50 ml
50 Automix Tips Pink 1:1
REF 909767
Accessories: O-Bite, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1
REF 909507
Accessories: O-Bite, 50 Automix Tips Pink 1:1
REF 909202
Accessories: O-Bite, 50 Conturation Tips
REF 909203